Sunday, March 30, 2014

Oak Leaf Cabernet Sauvignon

Oak Leaf Cabernet Sauvignon

This week I tried a cheaper Cabernet Sauvignon and was very pleased with the outcome. I paired this wine with a sesame chicken dish from a local Chinese restaurant. I enjoyed this combination and look forward to trying other cuisines with different kinds of wines. Upon smelling the wine I found it to be of a similar smell to most other red wines I've encountered where a strong blueberry or raspberry smell was present. This wine had a medium body with a deep dark almost grape juice purple color as well. The after taste was not bitter and it tasted very tannic. When first tasting this wine I had an overwhelming taste of Welsh's grape juice. It was hard however to smell and taste any other fruits or flavors which I can only conclude if they are there they aren't very potent or obvious. I feel that this up coming week I may try to purchase a new blended wine to keep things interesting. This was a tasty wine, but I was overall pretty bored with what was going on there. Hopefully this weeks wine will have some more to say than this wine. Can't ask for much more from a cheaper wine however.


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