Saturday, February 1, 2014

Journey to Wine Appreciation 2/1/14

Journey to Wine Appreciation

The start and maturation of my wine tasting pallet
Geography of Wine
By: Shane Brandon

Prior experience and exposure to wine:

Recently I just became of age (21) to start legally consuming alcohol and have decided to take my pallet through the lifelong journey of tasting different types of wines. However, my experience with wine first began when I turned 13 and tried wine, beer, and coffee for the first time. Which by the way, I was not a fan at first of any of the three and have since learned to love and enjoy each drink. (for most part responsibly) I truly believe it takes an acquired taste to learn to like these beverages. Wine however was the last of these drinks for me to learn to really enjoy.

Prior to taking this course I had yet to understand that all wines are very different and that is what makes wine so personal and intriguing. I also had no understanding to the process and what it takes to produce a barrel of wine. After the first two weeks of class I have already gained an idea of the process it takes to create wine and the correct etiquette to open and consume this complex beverage. 

Over this past month I have started to try different types of red wines my family drinks at dinner. This was a great treat as I got a chance to taste some really nice dinner wines, and thanks to my mom and dad I was able to learn a little bit about what they look for in a wine as well as their personal preferences. As I start to make those same choices for myself I am very excited to learn to taste the different complexities to these wines. My choice of wines are unfortunately limited due to my budget to cheaper wines, however as I progress through life I will be able to try nicer wines and should form a greater appreciation for those wines.

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