Sunday, February 23, 2014

Oak Leaf Moscato

Oak Leaf Moscato

This week I tried an Australian wine called Moscato. I have never had this type of wine before. It was a white wine which I had while watching a movie this Sunday night. It has a very clear color with a light body. When I went for the sniff and swirl it smelled like a fruity car freshener. Upon tasting it the first time I felt blasted with a water flavor blast. I feel like this was the most fruity tasting wine I've ever had. I have now experienced two very different sides of the wine spectrum the last two weeks. Last week's Merlot displayed exactly how the tannin's are very prevalent in red's as opposed to this white wine. However, I felt that this wine had a little more of a pucker than I've been accustomed to with other reds I've been trying. This wine did not seem as "hot" either, which makes sense as its only a 10% alcohol content. Overall, I don't believe this is the wine for me. I think this was a little too fruity for me. I didn't feel as though I was getting the full taste of the grapes in this wine. It maybe some time before I retry this type of wine.

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